This is a huge marketplace where you can bid, quick buy and sell your cards. Every single card you need in the game can be found in the marketplace. All cards are classified under Players, Consumables, Staff, Managers and other. The market can be browsed in card or list view.
If you are looking for a special player, you can easily search him within the search engine under the transfer market. From there, you can choose his position, nationality and the formation he plays in.
Bidding is quite simple. All you have to do is click on a card to see every information about it. On the right of your screen you will see the bid price, how much time left for the bidding to end and the buy now price of that card. It is totally up to you to choose which ever way you would like to purchase a card. If you bid on a card, it will be listed on My Bids section. Once you buy a card, they will be moved to your Team Management section. From there you can drag which ever card you want onto your squad. Tip 5: If you see a Lock Icon on a listing, this means your scout is not eligable enough for you to bid, buy or examine that certain player. You are gonna need a higher quality scout for this action.
Training cards are special for they will increase a player’s attributes for 2 games. After the two games, your player’s attribute will switch back to his normal value.
You will have to options to browse the marketplace. The list view and the card view. If you prefer the list view option, you will be able to filter your view by, names, nationalities, formations, time left for bid and the buy now prices.
If you want to sell a player (or any other card), you will have to choose the time of bid, define the bidding and buy now prices for that card. Once you place a card for sale, they will be listed on your My Auctions tab. You will be notified if your card has been sold, on your Ticker (3.5 Ticker: News from your team) at your Dashboard.